08 October 2007

Date Night

As is becoming the standard routine, we all met for Friday night dinner. This week's venue: Outback. Dinner topics included work, holiday craft projects, and shopping at a shameful discount retailer which shall remain unnamed to protect those who were involved. The below photo shows how badly we needed to get to said store- five of us piled in my tiny little rollerskate of a car like it was high school again. Good times on a Friday night!


Shannon said...

Who are these people and why are they taking you to Outback? I don't really see it as your kind of place--big slabs of meat, lots of dirty men.. ohh just got it.

A and L said...

Where's Grace in this picture? Riding on April's lap Britney style?


A and L said...

Did you go to the haunted house on Friday?! I'm on a roll, not going since junior high is an accomplishment and I'm not about to break my streak. Besides, I'm a wuss.