05 October 2007

to Halloween or not to Halloween?

Let me just start out by saying that I don't particularly enjoy the Halloween holiday. I have an extremely low threshold for scariness, and therefore a holiday which celebrates all things spooky isn't exactly my idea of a good time.

This year may mark my Halloween change of heart. I came home from work the other day to find that my dear roommate had our house decked out in pumpkins and skeletons galore. And much to my surprise, I actually loved it. So today I decided to jump on the bandwagon, which luckily gave me the perfect excuse to buy this:

Now I just have to bake a new batch of cupcakes every other day to keep it looking cute!


elise said...

Cupcakes are so hot right now. Seriously.

Glad you found me in blog-land. Way to use the internet stalking skills. Miss you.

A and L said...

I think you be up for a fight to see who is the wussiest out of the two of us. I haven't gone to a haunted house since 1995. I also broke my tail bone few years back trying to escape a masked person. I can't even step foot in the costume store. I do LOVE Halloween however! I love getting dressed up and getting to act in character.

I'm thrilled you've caught the Halloween spirit.

A and L said...

Did you not read that I haven't been to a haunted house since 95'?! There is no way I could go.