14 November 2008

Working Girl

I get a lot of people asking what I do for a living, and apparently describing The RBL Group as "a Strategic HR and Leadership focused consulting firm" doesn't provide a whole lot of clarity. Lucky for you, my dear readers, I am in a shameless-plug sort of mood!

The RBL Group (which stands for Results-Based Leadership) does some really extraordinary work regarding Leadership. Even if you're not shooting for a CEO position at a Fortune 500 company, the concepts we talk about are still incredibly applicable. In case you're interested, check out these:
The Leadership Code: 5 Rules to Lead By
This book comes out this December and is available to pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and CEO Read. Also, visit www.leadershipcodebook.com for a chapter one preview as well as all sorts of videos, assessments, and other goodies.

One of the authors of the book, Kate Sweetman, has just started writing a blog for fastcompany.com. Kate is a great friend and a wonderful writer, and her blog is great at explaining complex ideas in a way that doesn't make your head spin. Check it out and leave some comments!

The other side of our company is the Strategic HR practice, which is one of the best in the world. Basically, we teach people how to take their HR from being a center for processing paychecks and benefits to taking an active role in contributing to the company. Read more about it here.

That's my job in a nutshell. A very tiny nutshell. And I promise my next post will be incredibly shallow and silly to make up for all the serious-ness of this one.

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