18 December 2008

The good news is now we have a handicapped parking pass for holiday shopping...

A few weeks ago my little sister was involved in a pretty serious car accident. It was very dark and foggy one night and she collided head on with another car. The other people involved in the accident had some bad bumps and bruises, but Katy had to be cut out of her car and ended up with a broken leg, arm, and a few ribs. She was in Intensive Care for a while and is scheduled to finally go home tomorrow morning.

This post is not meant to be depressing. Katy is doing much better now, and we are all extremely grateful for the blessings that have come out of this scary time. I went back and forth deciding whether or not to post these pictures and decided to do so for two reasons: 1) to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and concern-- it has made a world of difference to Katy, my family, and myself. And 2) with the holiday season comes the unfortunately increased chance of vehicular accidents. Please drive slow, alert, and wear your seatbelt!!!


elise said...

i'm glad your sister is alright! scary!

i was reading this while driving. i got to the end of your post, "drive slow & alert" and thought to myself, probably this is a bad idea & so i put my phone down. RIGHT as i looked up, two cars in front of me had gotten in an accident. seriously.

Amber P said...

So glad she is okay!!

Alan said...

I hope your sister is doing better! I'll send good vibes in Iowa's direction and hope that they reach her!

also, I am at least glad to see that you are using legitimate handicapped passes now...

A and L said...

way to look on the bright side.


Auntie Ann said...

Those photos are giving me the creeps! Im so glad that our sistys are o.k.

CHUNTZ said...

Did I miss something!