12 December 2008

It's Christmas time in the kitchen

A few of you have been lucky enough to partake of the honored Pingree holiday tradition known as Maids of Honor. These little dreams are part cupcake, part pie, and only allowed to be made from Thanksgiving to New Years. And it just doesn't feel like Christmas without them, so I made a few the other night.

...And by a few, I mean 4 dozen.


A and L said...

Thanksgiving - New Years with exception or special occasions like, say.... the VMA's in September? Or anything having to do with Britney for that matter.

A and L said...

I forgot to add, they are super tastey. I have made myself sick on these more than once.

Melissa said...

Invite me over this would be great with a little Gossip Girl.

Auntie Ann said...

I have been lucky enough to partake...delish.

Amber P said...

They are so cute!

elise said...

mmmmm. salavating. you've told me about these, but i have yet to try. (tear)

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