11 January 2009

the blahs

Maybe driving through awful winter weather took it out of me. Maybe I associate my computer with working and thus avoided it as much as possible from December 19 to January 5. Anyway, the point is that I am back to blogging. Here's what I've been up to:

Drove home to Idaho in horrible weather. Flew to Seattle the next day. Was amused at how the entire city and surrounding area shuts down in snow. Ate crab, salmon, crab, clam, and crab to my heart's content (thank you Pike Place). Spoke at the Pingree family baptism (aunt and cousin) and baby blessing. Flew back to Idaho. Hung with the fam, went auction-bargain hunting, hoisted an epic dance party in the kitchen. Drove back to Utah with icy roads, but at least it wasn't snowing. Briefly entertained the idea of going back to work before the new year, but quickly changed my mind. FHE with Catanos, mani/pedi/shopping/dinner with Linds, date night with Mairin and Ann, brunch with Andrew, visit with Canates, tv with Steven, movie with Ash and Z, and said farewell to Mandi. Saw Benjamin Button, The Spirit, and Bedtime Stories. Watched a lot of tv, welcomed back Gossip Girl, Top Chef, and 30 Rock, and fell in love with Bromance, The City, Rock of Love Tour Bus, and Mad Men. Bought two much-needed furniture pieces: my jewelry armoir and my mirrored tv console. Got seriously depressed last night when I had to take down my Christmas decorations.


Katie M said...

I swear every year my brother and sister call me and tell me how it's snowing in Seattle it's complete chaos. I mean, they shut schools and everything. It seems like they would start planning for a yearly snow storm from now on? It cracks me up. If they don't have snowplows next year I won't feel sorry for them at all!

Oh and you're NOT alone with the whole post-christmas depression thing. It sucks!

paintingyoupretty said...

So Bromance is good? B/C I'm really enjoying The City. Especially when Olivia's cousin got a ticket for spitting on the subway. I laughed for hours.