28 January 2009

Who's Hungry?

It's science fair time! My cousin Jackson and I have been slaving away to make the most amazing presentation board ever. If he doesn't win first prize I am going to give that judge's panel a piece of my mind, because this thing is perfect. Jackson was tired of getting hungry between breakfast and lunch, so he decided to see which cereal keeps you full for the longest. The winner? Oatmeal. The loser? Cap'n Crunch.

In addition to learning about cereals, I learned that the only thing harder than getting a 10 year old boy to focus is getting that kid to take a normal picture. I won't post any of the other 300 hideous photos, but I have saved them to pass on to his parents for future embarrassment opportunities.


STEVEN said...

If only I wasn't going to be out of town...we could have guaranteed a 1st place medal.

elise said...

i don't believe that is your cousin. jackson is supposed to be a little 4 year old boy. not 10.

Unknown said...

How big was this case study? Just one 10 year old boy? Hmmmm...I might have to do my own study.

Karen Decker said...

You are AMAZING! You bake, sew AND do science fair projects!

A and L said...

what have you got against the captain? are you some kind of soggy spy?



Jake and Jessica Fillmore said...

That is a great experiment. looks like I need to take a trip to the grocery store and get some more oatmeal. Just curious, did you guys try cream-o-wheat?

Karen Decker said...

The suspense is killing me- Did you win!