27 July 2009

Lake of Bears

The Pingree family used the 50th birthdays of my mom and my uncle Jim as an excuse to spend a weekend together at Bear Lake. We used to go to Bear Lake for family reunions a lot when I was younger, but it had been 8 years since our last trip and everyone was beyond excited to go back.

(I am awful at remembering to take pictures when I am on vacation, so most of these photos are stolen from my mom-- if you are friends with her on facebook, then you've probably seen them already. And if you AREN'T friends with her on fb....well, you should be. Add Karen HERE.)

Bear Lake by the Numbers

162: Miles from Provo to Logan
1: number of tickets I got out of on the way there
5: number of vehicle related incidents in the family before we even got to the lake

29.5: number of Pingrees attending (one is preggo)
7.5: number of Pingrees missing (another preggo)

10: number of Pingrees under the age of 18
95: percent of the time we all acted like we were under the age of 18

6: number of people on a water weenie
75: percent of people whose skim boarding skills provided endless amusement
0: number of devices Logan used besides his bare hands to catch a fish
11: how much this grossed me out on a scale of 1-10

30: pounds of buffalo wings we consumed on the first night's dinner
2: number of raspberry shakes I had from Le Beaus over the weekend
2: number of Old Ephraim pizzas ordered
2: maximum number of slices of Old Ephraim able to be consumed in one sitting


Laurel said...

Oh, I love Bear Lake! Looks fantabulous! (And I love the play-by-plays here... True Meggan fashion.)

Auntie Ann said...

Is that pizza fo real? It looks reeeaal nice to me. You need to come see mister again...I mean, Ill come see you now that we are out and about. HA! I love that onesie you gave him...its for sure boyfriends favorite!

elise said...

fun! so many people!! that pizza is the most amazing thing I have seen.

Amber P said...

A party of just Pingree's?!! That's for sure my idea of a good time! (I'm totally having Meggan withdrawal!)

Unknown said...

I love water weenies. I am so jealous!