14 August 2009

Art Appreciation

Remember episode 108 of Arrested Development where the Bluths attend the Living Classics pageant and Tobias ruins Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam" with his denim cut off shorts? Well, that was nothing compared to these skills....Presenting:

"The Scream"

"American Gothic"
also please note Andrea and Maddy in the background with a perfectly executed photo sneak. Bravo, ladies!

...and then we went to the store and found even more art on candy packaging. How cultural, right?

Also, please tell me you have seen and made fun of all of the cars driving around with stickers on the back depicting their family. wtf? I am especially fond of the ones that get creative-- a car just down the street from us had skull and crossbone family members (the girls had pink bows, naturally). Well, we didn't want to shell out the cash, so we made our own, full-color versions out of puff paint. And to be honest, I like them better. Etsy shop coming soon (kidding).


Laurel said...

First, bra-vo on any and all Tobias Funke reference. Well done. I think I need to find me those rockin' Mona Lisa candies. And I think you may have outdone yourself with the puff painting. :)

brittaniemarie said...

Ugh! I cringe every time I see the family stickers. I'm glad you said something. The worst is the Disney version where each person is depicted wearing Mickey Mouse ears. What are people trying to prove? It's like the new "baby on board" signs... Only it makes me want to hit them, rather than avoid them. Is that bad???

Unknown said...

One time I saw a car with 14 of those people on the back of it. I tried to get a picture but I failed. :(

Nice Never Nude reference. I knew we were friends for a reason. :)

Meredith said...

Thank you for bringing up Tobias, the never nude. Additionally, I too dislike those car stickers. Bleh, so lame!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Love it! Thanks for making Jackson appear so cultured!!!....BRAVO!!!!