19 August 2009

As seen on TV, part one

Chilly in the office? Might I suggest something from the Snuggie brand, which now comes in designer colors and prints. I opted for the leopard version, naturally. Apparently our office AC is set in global warming mode, and the only thing that is preventing frostbite is this little fleece wonder. (Also, it's a great conversation piece.) Accept no impostors: please note the brand tag on the sleeve. Too legit to quit...
(Also please note the can cozy in the bottom left corner. You can take the girl out of the vacation, but you can't take the vacation out of the girl....)

Update: Snuggie-inspired conversation found here. And add ShaLyse's blog to your list, she is a must-read! xoxo


ShaLyse Walker said...

That's my girl! I've been waiting for a leopard print snuggy since their infomercial debut. In fact, I got asked the other day what my favorite color was and I said leopard. It is!

Unknown said...

I can't believe you actually bought one of those. It looks great on you!

jodeeharris said...

Ah, Meggan, it has been FAR too long since I glanced at your blog. Your 80-year old lady snuggie/can-cozy combo, man-hole sized pancakes and Tobias reference all pulled me out of the nap coma I've been nursing all afternoon! Let's do dinner, I love you!

Also, I'm blogging again since I got a new computer that doesn't make me curse like a sailor. New blog is johnsonharris.blogspot.

A and L said...

part one makes me hopeful for part two. i bet in know what that entails...

Andrea Cooper said...

All I can say is that I hope that I am the person you are supposed to give a gift to this Christmas. And a big thumbs up on the "kan koozie". I too, have been enjoying mine...quite possibly the best 88 cents I have ever spent!