31 August 2009

Babysitters Club

Auntie Meggan and Baby Poppy had some quality one-on-one time this weekend while Aaron and Lindsay were partying it up in the Vegas. Fans of Arrested Development (the show, not the band) will appreciate Pop Tart's custom made onesie that she was sporting when I showed up. Lindsay is a genius.

We spent the weekend watching Nickelodeon and Bravo (both her choice, I swear), and I taught Poppy many useful things that she will need to know in the future, like how to not swear around her parents and how to order delicious drinks at Sonic Happy Hour.

We had a grand old time and I managed to survive playing mom for a couple of days (or rather, Poppy survived me playing mom). And then I came home to a quiet, spit-up free house and realized that I like taking care of (some) other people's babies much more than I like the idea of taking care of my own.
(yes, those are seahorses on her outfit. I'd prefer not to talk about it.)


A and L said...

All I hear these days is auntie meggan this... And auntie meggan that. She's going to ask for YOU to be her mom. Geez! (in deep voice of course)

Thanks a billion for being our sitter. You are welcome back any ol' time!

Ps cutest pics ever!

A and L said...

And PPS that seahorse outfit was picked out special just for you.

Michael and Megan said...

Very brave. I don't think I could watch a baby for a weekend!

STEVEN said...

Lil Pops is the cutest thing. I love the Diet Coke pic.

jenna said...

meggan! i'm back to being a follower. and i love you as always. and um can you be my sitter? or au pair? nanny? whatever makes you feel more glamarous.

those damn catanos. so lucky.