12 August 2009

CA Highlights: Life's a Beach

The week was spent at the beach house in Oceanside. The daily routine was: wake up, eat breakfast on the porch, change into swimsuits, hag out on the beach, shower, change into sweats, eat dinner, sleep, and repeat. It was amazing.

"Hang Twenty"

I got a lesson on how to boogie board from some of the best teachers on the seas. I was...well, I was ok. MOstly I was concerned about the amount of sand that was getting in my swimsuit.
...Then I tried skim boarding. Once. And my knee is still healing.

Lessons learned: I am much better at sitting on the beach, reading fine literature, and getting the world's best tan.

1 comment:

elise said...

it was fun to spend one of those beach days with you!