17 November 2008


Maybe I got my mitts on the new album 2 weeks early. And maybe its all I've listened to. And maybe I'm still totally going to buy the album when it officially comes out on December 2. Love you, girl.


brittaniemarie said...

Um, maybe you can share the wealth! I'm seriously jealous!

jenna said...

i just saw the shout out to me on your tag and i'm just so flattered. i think i might be shedding a tear. you know how much i hate the custys but how much i love you. will i ever see you again? and how the hell did you get a hold of brit brit. i'm dying to know.

Rae said...

Hey! Send me an email to rachel.l.hope@us.hsbc.com and we can discuss Monday night.

CHUNTZ said...

Shut the front door!