04 September 2009

As seen on TV, part two

A tweet from gal pal Emmy reminded me that I needed to blog about my other favorite "as seen on tv" item. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you.....the one and only Bumpit.

For those of you who don't know, the Bumpit is a handy little device that was created to give your hair volume and srtucture, when simple teasing just isn't enough. These little honeys are super popular in the land of ratting your hair, aka Utah county. So, if you can't beat 'em...

One package of Bumpits contains three inserts in different sizes. The big one is great for that bouffant-like volume at the crown:

...and the tiniest one is great for pulling your hair back into what my sister Sydney has informed me the kids at Eagle High School are referring to as a "slut bump." (Kids these days...)Big shout out to bff and hairstylist Lindsay, who actually gave me these little gems. My hair will never be flat ever again!


A and L said...

um, exCUSE me? i believe it was actually bff and hairstylist Lindsay's HUSBAND who saw those, thought of you, and bought them for the both of you.

i'm just sayin...


Laurel said...

Ummm... Michelle and I were going to buy one of these gems for our sister as a "Funny Santa" gift -- then it slipped out that she wanted one for real. Awesome. :)

Shannon said...

LOL. You are hilarious for so many reasons... but I will now add the BumpIt to that list. It actually looks way better on you than those TV commercials!

jenna said...

i spent the last hour catching up on your blog & have left comments on the last four posts. and now i'm pissed that you have not updated since the 4th of september.

and bump its are gross yet i find myself secretly wondering how my hair would look with one.