01 September 2009

Koozies Galore

It's official-- I have a koozie collection. In California, my aunt Andrea came home from this store with this little delight, which proved to be both hilarious as well as functional:

And on Sunday, I was presented with this little gem, which was brought all the way back from a truck stop outside of Vegas by my aunt Lisa and uncle Dave. Can Koozie + Ed Hardy = a dream come true. I can practically see it in the hands of a skeezy UNLV frat boy. Party on!

And in case you're wondering....yes, I use them at work. Every day.


Laurel said...

I prefer the brand "Candom", which yes, rolls onto your can like... you know. ;) You should look into one.

jakeandjessicafillmore said...

haha you crack me up! i had no idea thats what they were called. good to see you the other day at the bookstore. glad things are going well. take care!

Unknown said...

Meggan, I am so jealous you have an Ed Hardy Koozie. (I actually don't like Ed Hardy but I'm jealous that you have a Koozie that you love so much and I don't have an equivalent.) I'm not sure what my equivalent would be...but none the less, you have one.

PS laurel, that is too gross and yet fantastic at the same time.

jenna said...

i saw ed hardy pillows at tj maxx. i just couldn't get myself to rest my head on a raging dragon. but perhaps i'll go back & purchase one for you.