07 September 2010

Music Monday

(one day late because of Labor Day)

Today I caught a glimpse of myself and realized that I looked like my mom circa 1989-- leggings, flats, a button up denim shirt, tortoise shell ray bans, and a shoulder bag. Which, in turn, reminded me of my roadtrip to Boise last weekend-- I put my ipod on shuffle, but skipped through most of the songs until I landed on music that I'm probably too young to enjoy as much as I do.

This week I bring you Vintage Favorites: Mom Edition (next week: Dad Edition)

Two favorites from the aforementioned concert: Here and here.

Why WOULDN'T you dance here?

This is from his band album, but I enjoy his solo stuff just as much.

Picking my favorite song from this duo was like Sophie's Choice for me.

And my number one absolute favorite Mom Jam ever. EVER. If you were to sort my itunes library by play count, you'd see this little number at the tippy top.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Music like this reminds me of roadtrips through my ENTIRE childhood. In a really good way, obviously. :)